Demo Code
This is example code that users can quickly run for siMMMulator.
Run this code after you have followed the instructions in the Setting up siMMMulator page.
my_variables <- step_0_define_basic_parameters(years = 2,
channels_impressions = c("Facebook", "TV"),
channels_clicks = c("Search"),
frequency_of_campaigns = 1,
true_cvr = c(0.001, 0.002, 0.003),
revenue_per_conv = 1,
start_date = "2017/1/1"
df_baseline <- step_1_create_baseline(
my_variables = my_variables,
base_p = 10000,
trend_p = 0.5,
temp_var = 2,
temp_coef_mean = 100,
temp_coef_sd = 500,
error_std = 100)
df_ads_step2 <- step_2_ads_spend(
my_variables = my_variables,
campaign_spend_mean = 329000,
campaign_spend_std = 100000,
max_min_proportion_on_each_channel <- c(0.45, 0.55, # for first channel, Facebook
0.1, 0.15) # for second channel, TV. )
# The third channel, Search, will receive what is left.
df_ads_step3 <- step_3_generate_media(
my_variables = my_variables,
df_ads_step2 = df_ads_step2,
true_cpm = c(2, 20, NA),
true_cpc = c(NA, NA, 0.25),
mean_noisy_cpm_cpc = c(1, 0.05, 0.01),
std_noisy_cpm_cpc = c(0.01, 0.15, 0.01)
df_ads_step4 <- step_4_generate_cvr(
my_variables = my_variables,
df_ads_step3 = df_ads_step3,
mean_noisy_cvr = c(0, 0.0001, 0.0002),
std_noisy_cvr = c(0.001, 0.002, 0.003)
df_ads_step5a_before_mmm <- step_5a_pivot_to_mmm_format(my_variables = my_variables,
df_ads_step4 = df_ads_step4)
df_ads_step5b <- step_5b_decay(
my_variables = my_variables,
df_ads_step5a_before_mmm = df_ads_step5a_before_mmm,
true_lambda_decay = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
df_ads_step5c <- step_5c_diminishing_returns(
my_variables = my_variables,
df_ads_step5b = df_ads_step5b,
alpha_saturation = c(2, 2, 2),
gamma_saturation = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
df_ads_step6 <- step_6_calculating_conversions(
my_variables = my_variables,
df_ads_step5c = df_ads_step5c
df_ads_step7 <- step_7_expanded_df(
my_variables = my_variables,
df_ads_step6 = df_ads_step6,
df_baseline = df_baseline
my_variables = my_variables,
df_ads_step7 = df_ads_step7
list_of_df_final <- step_9_final_df(
my_variables = my_variables,
df_ads_step7 = df_ads_step7
optional_step_1.5_plot_baseline_sales(df_baseline = df_baseline)
optional_step_2.5_plot_ad_spend(df_ads_step2 = df_ads_step2)
optional_step_9.5_plot_final_df(df_final = list_of_df_final[[1]]) # for daily data
optional_step_9.5_plot_final_df(df_final = list_of_df_final[[2]]) # for monthly data
This code is for illustration purposes only. Individual results may vary.