Robyn Python (Beta)
Alternative 1: Quick start for RobynPy (Beta)β
The Python version of Robyn is rewritten from Robyn's R package version 3.11.1 to Python using object oriented programming principles and modular architecture for a robust solution. It was developed by utilizing various LLMs and AI workflows like Llama. As is common with any AI-based solutions, there may be potential challenges in translating code from one language to another. In this case, we anticipate that there could be some issues in the translation from R to Python. However, we believe in the power of community collaboration and open-source contribution. Therefore, we are opening this project to the community to participate and contribute. Together, we can address and resolve any issues that may arise, enhancing the functionality and efficiency of the Python version of Robyn. We look forward to your contributions and to the continuous improvement of this project.
1. Installing the packageβ
Install the latest Robyn Python package version from pypi
pip3 install robynpy
Install from Github using requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2. Getting startedβ
The directory python/src/robyn/tutorials
contains tutorials for most common scenarios. Tutorials use simulated dataset provided in the package.
3. Running end-to-endβ
There are two ways of running Python Robyn.
Option 1:
tutorial1.ipynb is the main notebook that runs the end-to-end flow. It is designed for majority of the users who would prefer a one click solution that runs the robyn flow end-to-end with minimal knowledge of the underlying logic. It should run without any changes required if you wish to use the simulated dataset for testing purposes.
This notebook uses APIs available in python/src/robyn/ to set the configs, run feature engineering, run model training, evaluate models with clustering, generate one pagers and perform budget allocation.
Change any of the configs directly in the notebook and avoid changes to for what can be configurable.
Option 2:
tutorial1_src.ipynb runs the end-to-end flow of robyn python but with a lot more flexibility. It is designed for users who would like to have more control over which modules are and aren't run (ie. skipping clustering/one pager plots/budget allocation etc.). It should run without any changes required if you wish to use the simulated dataset for testing purposes.
This notebook doesn't use APIs available in python/src/robyn/ but instead, calls the modules directly with the appropriate parameters. In this way, it is more flexible but still expects the users to understand the underlying logic that may change when using various parameter values.
Alternative 2: The Python wrapperβ
The idea of a plumber API for Python is originally proposed by Alex Rowley from the Robyn community in August 2023. The Robyn team has assessed the proposal that is not only a great work-around for Python users to start with Robyn, but it actually allows API calls from any languages. We're very grateful for the collective wisdom of the open source community.
Robyn API for Python beta releaseβ
The first version of the API is released on Nov.22nd 2023 on the Meta OST summit. This Jupyter notebook shows how to call the API from Python. In the beta version, the user needs to have the Robyn R package successfully installed first. We'll work on the migitation of installation friction in the future.